Excited for the future!

Posted by MAKING PROGRESS On Saturday 0 comments
Almost two months ago I decided to leave my job at Illinois Department of Transportation and pour more of my attention into my passion for participating and teaching fitness.  It has been a great month and a half, I have competed and done well, learned a lot about myself, and become a better coach.  I am so excited for the future and cannot wait to continue this journey while asking myself tough questions along the way and trying to find truths in the fitness world.  I couldn't be more excited and respectful for all ideas around fitness and truly allowing an open minded approach to what works and helps us all become better.  

I get to Head to CrossFit TNT tomorrow to Study with Coach Carl Paoli in his FreeStyle and Gymnastics seminar!  I'm very excited and can't wait to learn from such a knowledgeable coach about some of my weaknesses and how to improve them and coach them better!

I also made a major decision today and committed to the OPT Fitness Athlete Season Prep Camp in Scottsdale AZ on June 7-8th!  Here is what a few athletes said about the camp.

"The OPT Athlete Camp was a great experience.  Getting to train under the presence of James FitzGerald and Max was motivating in itself.  It was great getting to put a face with some of the names you see on the Big Dawg blog and getting to train with them.  I learned great insight to myself as an athlete and about the differences in athletes.  We are all individual and with the level of athletes we are competing against, it is that much more important to understand yourself as an athlete and this really helped with that.  I definitely plan to attend another Camp as soon as I can. Thanks James again for going above and beyond!"
-Michael McIlroy 

"From the moment I walked in the door @ OPT I felt at home. James, Max and Nat where all there as passionate professionals ready to allow us be athletes.
This was no ordinary training camp. Most training camps I've been to are just a beat down. Anyone can do that. Anyone can be thrown a bucket load of training and call it a camp! This camp was tough just like a camp can be but, what made it legit was that it's execution had purpose.
What we all got was well thought out testing, personal analysis of those tests and more Importantly discussion on how we could all go about being better. Mix that with a team atmosphere and you had the perfect environment for 2 days of athletic training bliss!  I'd recommend this to any fitness athlete who takes what they do seriously and is committed to being better."
Ross Blake

I'm excited for the opportunity!

Seize the day!

Matthew B. 


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