Scales (Scaleutilizationism)

Posted by MAKING PROGRESS On Monday 0 comments

Alright you know who you are! Let’s talk about chronic scaleutilizationism (that’s a scientific term) also known as weighing yourself way to much!

Follow me here... The scale is in your bathroom, you wake up roll out of bed go to the bathroom just like every morning. You do your thing and there it is... So why not just give it a tap wait for it to calibrate and step on the thing, or if you are a little more old school just stand on it and watch the needle go... Meh.. It's ok right? Then if you have time again when you are fully clothed and ready for work... And again that night?? Now you are thinking why has Matt described my relationship with the scale what a creepster! jk.. but seriously guys does this happen, or something close?

Let’s take a look at a couple reasons to give your scale a break or maybe stop putting batteries in the crazy thing.

#1) Scale weight fluctuates wildly.

I love measurable and repeatable and yes the scale measures you and it's repeatable, but it also fluctuates widely in a short amount of time. Keeping track of progress monthly on a scale might actually allow you to notify specific trends in your body weight (gaining, losing or maintaining). Give this a try and if you have a scale that just forces you to step on it put it away somewhere or take the batteries out until that month is up. Seriously if you just freaked out there might be a problem! Haha just give it a break for a while and focus on things that matter like eating healthy and getting some quality sleep. Over the course of a day (or a few hours!) your weight can fluctuate by as many as five pounds – sometimes more. Food and beverage intake, time of day, dietary choices and activity levels all factor into that number on the dial. Clothing can change your weight as well (even though obsessive scale users are so obsessive they hit the scale naked more than once a day). Funny right... because its true!

These sudden rollercoaster scale readings do not serve as a representation of body fat lost or gained. But seeing a number jump up by four pounds sure does a mental number on you, doesn’t it? Weighing yourself daily tells you nothing about your big-picture trend and only sets you up for emotional distress and self esteem issues that quite frankly are not true! Put it away for a while!

Part 2 coming soon!

To be continued...

Create a great day!! Have fun!


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