How important is your sleep?

Posted by MAKING PROGRESS On Tuesday 0 comments

Five Basic Steps To Quality Sleep

  1. Establish a healthy sleep pattern by getting to bed within 60 minutes of the same time each evening. Same rule goes for getting up in the morning. This is because physical repair of your body takes place between 10pm and 2am, and psychological repair between 2am and 6am.
  2. Give yourself a fighting chance to release sleep hormones by winding down for at least an hour before bed. No TV or computer! Instead, dim the lights, and quieten your mind. Try reading a book (not work related!), taking a bath, or just enjoying some relaxing music either alone or with someone else.
  3. While we’re on it, taking a bath around 90 minutes before sleep can help you to nod off. The rise in your body temperature, followed by a slow drop, will make you sleepy.
  4. Food high in tryptophan can help you to sleep. Try organic dairy, raw organic almonds, or some turkey for dinner.
  5. Stimulants such as coffee, alcohol or sugar are a big no-no in the evening. Even if you do fall asleep, these stimulants will prevent the proper release of melatonin and other sleep hormones. This will mean a poorer night’s rest, and a sluggish start the next day.


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