Doing something I'm afraid of daily

Posted by MAKING PROGRESS On Tuesday 1 comments
The Journey

The past month has been a huge transitional period in my life.  I decided to move to Arizona shedding a very important layer in my life to start on a new one.  Every layer is just as important as the last and no layer ever loses its importance, I miss everyone and all the great things that are still in Illinois!

Everyday I am here I feel more and more confident this was the right move for me.  On a daily basis I am faced with at the very least a few things that cause me to experience fear, sadness, joy, guilt, or anger. Moving without a secure source of income, meeting up with a room ate that I met once, sitting with my emotions, getting a flat tire, hitting a scary testing wod from James at OPT, being aware and resisting things that will bump me off my path toward my goals.. There are to many to mention, but all of them challenge me in a positive way.  One of the biggest challenges has been to stand my ground when these things challenge me and be in it!

When I left CFI on Friday the 27th it was one of the hardest things I have done.  I don't know if anyone but a few saw the tears flowing as I drove away, and me swallowing them all morning/week..  It is a home to me and always will be!  I couldn't believe how many people showed up and how many people continue to check in with me.  Joy wipes the sadness clear because all that support I received is so motivating to me.  Seeing the smiles on people's faces, the genuine expressions, and goodluck cards and wishes (THANKS GUYS SO MUCH) was very inspiring.  When those emotions I talked about earlier show up I know I have not only my blood family to look to but also my other family that inspires me to continue to grow and be in it!

Thanks guys you inspire me and trust me I think about all of you a lot! Always work hard and continue to be the best you can!  Have fun, smile a lot, and keep kicking butt!


Coach/Athlete Matty B


GerriAnne said...

Keep the peace Matt- bring it from with in!

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