Heel Cord Management!

Posted by MAKING PROGRESS On Tuesday 0 comments
Hello Happy People!
Let us take a gander at one of Kelly's Mobility WOD'S that targets the wonderfull heel cord!

Some words from K-Starr:
Todays Mwod is all about your heel cords. Did you know that simple bodyweight loading of the heel cords in movements like the box jump can create forces upwards of 16x bodyweight? That’s one big tendon. So how the hell do athletes rupture this beast?
Two words. Dedication. In my clinical practice, I have never seen a tendon rupture that wasn’t preceded by a good old fashioned bout of junky/inflammed tissue syndrome (JITS tm).
Today we are going to create some range in those bad boys so that they won’t end up shredding due to tightness

Take a look at the video and always remember to test and retest!

P.S. Make today the day you want it to be! Bam!!


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